I would like to do this, but I think its a bigger job than you imagine, and...
"I tend towards insanity from time to time.  Good thing its only perl."  (you can 
quote me)

(It comes from stresses developing sysadm apps around the single largest depository of 
human wealth.  They actually smothered a pregnent 
woman to death here rather than open a fire door in a valult room, by way of 
example--- I really need a new contract.)

There is a new group forming from milder NY mongers called Perl-Seminars organized by 
guinevere liberty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> one of the 
few female mongers and someone who I put a lot of effort into bringing into the 
monsters, err mongers.

I got really excited by the possibility of crossing over between Python, Blackdown 
Java, and Perl in terms of internal pieces.  Maybe this is the 
place to start that process.  That would make three layers: top-ten, 
really-experienced-VM-coders(kibbitzers), and the apprentices.

I also think that an organization like Hewlett Packard would be a huge benefit because 
of their commitment to QA.


On Wed, 6 Dec 2000 17:05:30 +0000, Simon Cozens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote :

> On Wed, Dec 06, 2000 at 11:48:45AM +0000, Nicholas Clark wrote:
> > (Is maintaining such a document an "apprentice" job? (see perl6-meta))
> I'd certainly like someone to take on the maintainance of the document I
> posted last night, because I hope that one of its functions will be to explain
> to apprentices a little of some of the concepts that we're dealing with; I
> tried to do that in places, but it got late. 
> So, anyone want to volunteer? 
> What maintainance would involve would be, I think, receiving forwarded
> messages from perl6-internals-design (or whatever) with bits marked "We need
> to remember to think about this more!", and making sure those bits are covered
> on the meta-design, with an option on learning about the topic and writing a
> short summary for everyone to gain from. It would probably also need updating
> when we settle one of the issues on it, with a brief note on what was decided.
> Simon
> -- 
> Putting heated bricks close to the news.admin.net-abuse.* groups.
>         -- Megahal (trained on asr), 1998-11-06

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