Dan Sugalski                                                     
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>          To:       Dave Mitchell 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED],                 
                                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]               
                      02/14/2002 10:23         cc:                                     
                      AM                       Subject:  Re: PMCs, setting, and 
suchlike things                                 

>my Dog $spot = Dog.new("waggly tail");
>$spot = Cat.new();

In this case all types are known at compile time. Why would
we relegate this to a runtime vtable check or bit flag?

>There's a flag in the flags field to mark the PMC as a permanent type
>or not. It's insufficient for "Type X or child of X" things, though.

This should be sufficient. The higher level language should take care
of this kind of checking anyway, especially since much of it is
able to be done at compile.

I think in cases of ambiguous combinations you could just fall back
on stringifing the object, right?

I might be missing the whole issue here.

-Melvin Smith

IBM :: Atlanta Innovation Center
[EMAIL PROTECTED] :: 770-835-6984

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