Dan Sugalski wrote:
> At 10:07 AM -0500 3/30/02, Josh Wilmes wrote:
> >Someone said that ICU requires a C++ compiler.  That's concerning to me,
> >as is the issue of how we bootstrap our build process.  We were planning
> >on a platform-neutral miniparrot, and IMHO that can't include ICU (as i'm
> >sure it's not going to be written in pure ansi C)
> If the C++ bits are redoable as C, I'm OK with it. I've not taken a
> good look at it to know how much it depends on C++. If it's mostly //
> comments and such we can work around the issues easily enough.
> If its objects, well, I suppose it depends on how much it relies on them.

Looking at icu/common I see more .c files than .cpp files, and what .cpp
files there are look somewhat like wrappers around the C code. In
addition, the .cpp files appear to do such things as create iterator
wrappers, bidirectional display and normalization.

Some of the files are thicker than wrappers, but I think there's enough
code behind this C++ veneer that we can at least use it if not the
entire library.

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