G'day all.

On Mon, Apr 29, 2002 at 07:57:08AM +0100, Piers Cawley wrote:

> Remember that the caller only has to save the stuff that is important
> to it, after all, anything that might be of importance to *its*
> callers will already have been saved. If the callee saves then it's
> going to be doing belt and braces save/restores on registers that may
> be completely irrelevant.

That's true, it's a tradeoff.  However, I think it's much more likely
that complex subs call simpler subs, not the other way around, and
when it is the other way around, it's probably less time-critical, and
even if it is the other way around and it is time critical, I still
think that a small number of caller-save registers is a good idea.

> Any half decent compiler, given enough information from the original
> source and/or linkage information on precompiled modules will be able
> to do the appropriate register saving optimizations at compile
> time. It should even be possible to have automagic inlining
> happening. 

Intermodule optimization requires a compiler that's significantly
better than "half decent", if only to handle the recompilation
dependencies.  After all, we don't want existing code to break every
time someone does a CPAN upgrade.

Of course the ultimate solution is the old MIPS register allocation
at link time approach, but I assume that for a dynamic language like
Perl this is a bad idea. :-)

> Well factored code tends to have plenty of small, trivial
> subroutines... And in the case of non trivial subs then the register
> saving overhead will be the same whereever it happens. The precise
> breakdown will be different, but I claim that the average case will
> stay roughly the same.

I agree that in the case of non-trivial subs the overhead will be
roughly the same.  Modern code has lots of trivial subs.  I remember
reading this somewhere but I can't for the life of me remember where.

Until I find a proper reference, I can only point to the large number
of callee-save registers currently found in "real world" ABIs. :-)

> You've still not shown how you're going to make a first class
> continuation when the callee saves. And no, using branch instead of
> bsr is *not* a good enough answer, you need to be able to bundle up a
> continuation that can be called from anywhere, even after that
> continuation is no longer in the current caller chain, which means you
> need to be able to restore the register state and continuation chain.

I'm in a bit of a hurry at the moment, so I can't do this justice right
now, however, just a thought: If you want a continuation that can be
called from everywhere, and it has registers to be loaded, don't you
really want a closure?

(I might be wrong on that; it's been a while since I last read Appel's
"Compiling with Continuations".)

Andrew Bromage

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