Dan Sugalski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> At 1:58 PM +0000 9/5/02, "Jürgen" "Bömmels" (via RT) wrote:
> >The recent discussion of languages independence rememberd me of an
> >very old patch of mine which implements scheme pairs. (January 2002).
> >The languages/scheme directory did not change very much since then,
> >but the key system totally changed since then.
> >
> >But neverless, I got it running. The dedicate SchemePair PMC is not
> >necessary any more, I just used an Array of size 2.
> >
> >scheme now can create pairs with (cons) and lists with (list), print
> >them using (write) and access its elements using
> >(car), (cdr), (set-car!) and (set-cdr!). See lists.t for examples.
> Cool, applied. How far from "real" scheme are we?

I think its quite far.
The first thing is symbols and strings. But how do I represent them at
parrot-level. PerlString maybe, but then how will they be distinct
from each other. Or just leave out strings for a while.

Lexicals are also missing. I haven't looked closely to that. Without
variables a language is not very useful.

lambda-expression: this may compile just down to a sub.pmc
Functions like map, apply, list?, etc. have to be implemented.

Macros, tail-recursion, eval, and call/cc are also needed to call it

I hope the next patch will not need another half a year.
Juergen Boemmels                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fachbereich Physik                      Tel: ++49-(0)631-205-2817
Universitaet Kaiserslautern             Fax: ++49-(0)631-205-3906
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