The Perl 6 Summary for the Week Ending 20020929
    Okay, this is my last summary before I take a couple of week's holiday
    away from any form of connectivity. Will I cope? Can my system stand
    going cold turkey? Can you live without my summaries?

    Luckily, Leon Brocard has been volunteered to step into the breach and
    produce summaries for the next couple of weeks.

    Oh yes, due to my being a lazy swine and not reading release notes,
    combined with a new version of Spamassassin no longer delivering mail by
    default (now it silently drops mail on the floor in cases where it had
    previously just delivered the mail), I may be missing some messages from
    this week. Sorry.

    We'll kick off, as usual with happenings on the internal list:

  Of Variables, Values and Vtables
    Dan stopped travelling (for a while at least), and listed the current
    short term goals for Parrot. They are:

    * Finish up the calling convention changes
    * Spec the PMC changes
    * Spec the vtable changes
    * Get exceptions fully defined and a preliminary implementation

    and promised the variable/vtable stuff in the `next day or so', with the
    calling convention stuff a little earlier or later. Leo Toetsch offered
    some his thoughts on vtable methods for _keyed opcodes.

    Leopold Toetsch provided a patch which `fixes all currently known
    problems [with respect to] IMCC/Perl6'. Andy Dougherty had some problems
    with the patch dumping core, possibly because of platform specific
    issues, and Steve Fink realised that there was an overlap between this
    patch and one he'd been working on. The patch has not yet been applied,
    but work continued.

Fun with intlists
    Leopold Toetsch showed some benchmarks of intlist against PerlArrays,
    the difference is stunning. The intlist based test is some ten times
    faster than PerlArray, with most of PerlArray's time being spent
    allocating memory. Leo suggests using intlist as the PerlArray base

    Having got bragging rights for one speed up, Leo sent in a second patch
    which gave *another* ten fold performance boost. Sean O'Rourke had a few
    questions about performance in typical usage and wondered if, we
    shouldn't look at using borrowing from SGI's STL implementation of a
    dequeue (double ended queue). Leo was ahead of him there; his second
    patch was already using the trick Sean had suggested.

  Functions in Scheme
    Jürgen B"ouml"mmels sent a pre patch which gets Scheme functions
    working. It's built on top of an early version of Sean O'Rourke's
    scratchpad.pmc, so be careful applying the initial patch. Sean hoped
    that it would be be easy to reconcile Jürgen's changes to the scratchpad
    pmc with the changes he'd made since he sent Jürgen his early code.
    Jonathan Sillito asked why the scheme interpreter maintained its own
    environment stack rather than use the "pad_stack". Apparently the
    current pad_stack is very closely tied to Sub.pmc, which doesn't quite
    offer the semantics needed for scheme functions. Also, the pad_stack
    makes it tricky to implement "set!" and "define" correctly.

    Dan chimed in asking everyone to hash out what they needed from
    scratchpads and lexical variables; once we have that nailed down it
    should be easy to get everything designed and implemented reasonably
    quickly, so Jürgen and Sean came up with a list between them. -- The patch -- Its description

  Perl6 on HP-UX 11.00
    H Merijn Brand was having trouble getting Perl 6 to work on HP-UX. It
    was initially thought that this was a problem with the version of perl
    he was using, but was eventually tracked down to a problem with "make
    test"; the tests passed when Merijn did "perl6 --test". However the
    thread also covered making sure that the Perl6 build process rebuilt the
    Grammar if appropriate. There's also a theory that there's a problem
    with IMCC generating .pasm files.

    Leopold Toetsch put his hand up for causing the problem, and submitted a
    patch to fix things. Applied.

  The status of Leopold Toetsch's patches
    Leo wondered what's happening with the pile of patches he's submitted
    this week. At the time he made the post, he had 15 patches outstanding
    (or is that `outstanding patches'?) and, as a result several of the
    patches were applied. Steve Fink voted that Leo should be given commit
    access to CVS and Leo was grateful for the vote of confidence.

    Leo later sent in yet another patch for intlist, which after a short
    quibble from Tom Hughes, and a correction from Leo, was applied.

  Of PMCs Buffers and memory management
    Worker of the week, Leo Toetsch posted a bunch of questions about PMCs,
    Buffers and their associated memory management. Firstly, he wondered why
    there was a separation between the two. He commented that `If PMCs and
    Buffers are unified, it should be possible to mark [during a GC run] in
    one recursive process'. And there's the rub; we don't like recursion.
    PMCs are structured in such a way that a PMC tree can be walked in
    iterative fashion, which means that GC can be done in pretty much
    constant memory. Leo had a bunch of other questions, that were mostly
    answered by Mike Lambert, which drew supplementary questions from Leo.
    Both Mike and Leo agreed that the changes needed to Parrot for
    unification would lead to massive patches; but that's not a reason for
    *not* doing the work.

  Add Stone Age Exception Handling
    This should possibly really go in the 'In Brief' section because there
    was only one post in the `thread'. But it looks like an important post.
    Brent Dax sent in a patch which `adds a very, very rudimentary form of
    C-level exception handling' to parrot. Brent Reckons that brings parrot
    up to slightly better than `homo erectus' quality exception handling.

Meanwhile, in Perl 6
    I can't remember who it was christened this week's monster thread `Paren
    Madness', but they weren't wrong. The `Here, we can build a list like
    this...' thread continued on its merry way. I'm afraid I pretty much
    stopped reading once it became apparent that the only thing that was
    going to stop the madness was Larry making a pronouncement. Eventually
    Dan stepped up and asked if someone could summarize the discussion,
    maybe with a few possible conclusions, and then leave it for a while
    'til Larry got back. Luke Palmer wrote it up and offered a suggestion
    which looks at first glance to be sane, and which seemed to be well

  For loop and streams
    In pretty much the only other substantial thread of the week,
    `[EMAIL PROTECTED]' had some problems with the new "for" loop using
    multiple counters, and wondered if this was because of problems with the
    current Perl6 implementation, or because of problems with his
    understanding. It turned out that it was a problem with Sean O'Rourke's
    understanding when he implemented the Perl 6 grammar; he'd missed
    something in the appropriate Apocalypse. There also seems to be a
    problem in that the current behaviour is mostly defined with hand waves,
    which is great when you're doing the broad brush design, but less great
    when you're trying to implement the language.

In Brief
    Leopold Toetsch patched packfile.c to stop monkeying with the internals
    of key structures.

    Parrot T Shirts, based on Andy Wardley's parrot logo design, are now
    available from Cafe Press at,
    any proceeds go to YAS/TPF.

    Simon Cozens found, and patched a problem with IMCC's `ostat' structure,
    which clashed with a structure in Darwin's stat.h.

    Leopold Toetsch has been playing with using Doug Lea's memory allocator
    (see in Parrot. Apparently it
    makes `life' run faster, but appears to double the memory footprint.

    Steve Fink sent in some patches for IMCC, Leopold Toetsch did some
    cherry picking and released an integrated patch.

    Erik Lechak wondered if there was a getting started guide to parrot, and
    if there wasn't, how should he go about writing one? My tip: Do it, use
    the tools you prefer to make the kind of guide you would have welcomed
    finding when you first came to parrot. Just don't use proprietary
    formats. Heck, it's how I started writing these summaries.

Who's Who in Perl 6
    Who are you?
        Piers Cawley

    What do you do for/with Perl 6?
        I write the summaries every week, and try and contribute to
        perl6-language and perl6-internals when they're discussing things I
        know about.

    Where are you coming from?
        I've been a happy Perl user for since around 4.036, initially using
        it as a shell and awk replacement for system administration tasks,
        then moving over into a programming rôle where I got heavily into OO
        Perl. As so many others have said, Perl 5 fits my brain better than
        anything else I've been paid to do, but Perl 6 offers the chance to
        make that fit much closer.

    When do you think Perl 6 will be released?
        Sooner than we all think. Later than I want.

    Why are you doing this?
        Someone had to. I missed Bryan's summaries and decided that, if
        nobody else was going to volunteer it might as well be me.

    You have 5 words. Describe yourself.
        Just another opinionated Perl hack.

    Do you have anything to declare?
        I've run out of answer sets to this questionnaire. C'mon people,
        your summarizer needs you.

    Thanks to Piers Cawley, for taking time out of his massively busy
    schedule to answer the questionnaire; to Leon Brocard, for not squawking
    too loudly when he got volunteered to do the next two summaries; to Leo
    Toetsch, for a fantastic number of patches this week; to Simon Cozens,
    for coming back to Perl 6; to the lovely Gill, for continuing to put up
    with me, day in, day out...

    Hmm... check out the Oscar speech.

    I'm trying an experiment this week, community proofreading. I'll run the
    speelchucker over this summary and release it to the ravening masses.
    Who knows, maybe it'll make sense. It does at least have the right date
    at the top of the page.

    Once more, if you think this summary has value send money to the Perl
    Foundation ( and feed back and/or
    T?iBooks to me, <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>. As usual, the fee paid
    for publication of this summary on has been donated directly to
    the Perl Foundation.


   "It is a truth universally acknowledged that a language in
    possession of a rich syntax must be in need of a rewrite."
         -- Jane Austen?

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