jerry gay (via RT) wrote:

test 502 causes parrot to eat all memory and use all cpu (on win32 anyway.)

since i've added a special env var to support the running of a single
test in this test file, it can be run in isolation like:

set TEST_P5RX=502
prove t/compilers/pge/p5regexp/p5rx_1.pir

bash: prove: command not found

You mean:

$ TEST_P5RX=502 perl t/compilers/pge/p5regexp/p5rx.t

# hangs - ^C it, but p5rx_1.pir is created (not _502)

$ ./parrot -t4 -D20 t/compilers/pge/p5regexp/p5rx_1.pir

# ^C again, now you see it hangs inside the created match code

$ cat EVAL_1


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