> > I suggest that the requirement be:
   > > 
   > >          print "There are Dogs::->num_dogs() species of dogs.";
   > > 
   > > I.e. use the unambiguous form of class method call.
   > Uhhh... I never even knew that worked.  With the exception of OO book
   > authors, everyone's going to trip over that.

Not if they read Camel III, which points out that Class::->method() is
the *only* syntax that's guaranteed to work.

   > I think the case of /\b[A-Z][\w:]*->[A-Z][\w:]*(/ in a string is
   > infrequent enough that its not going to be a problem.

Your probably right. But then again, /\b[A-Z][\w:]*::->[A-Z][\w:]*(/ is
a string so infrequent that it's *never* going to be a problem ;-)


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