
In an attempt to nudge things in the right direction (wrap-up), I've
gone through and made some specific comments on RFC's. These are my
opinions from monitoring the discussions on this list since its
inception. I do not claim to be infallible, but feel I have a pretty
good idea of what's been said.

Below are specific suggestions as to what should be done with specific
RFCs. These are my suggestions; you may feel free to disagree with or
ignore them. I am basing these suggestions off what I have seen on the
list and other RFCs.

Please do not take offense if I suggest your RFC be retracted. This
email is an attempt to pare down the number of conflicting RFCs based on
community consensus and/or reality.

Note: Some of the RFCs discussed here are do not have -objects as the
Mailing-List because they predate it. However, I will still comment on
these where they're relevant to OO.

RFCs that should be Retracted
RFC 95: Object Classes
   The consensus appeared to be against this, which provided for
   radical changes to Perl OO and use of . to separate classes.
   Many of the key points were covered by later RFCs on private
   methods and class delegation.

RFC 171: my Dog $spot should call a constructor implicitly
   Again, the overwhelming consensus was against this. The later
   RFC claiming "my Dog $spot is just an assertion" was accepted
   as the way this should work.

RFC 77: Suggested isa() operator
   Most of these changes are already handled by UNIVERSAL::isa, 
   albeit with a different syntax. If an inline-style assertion is
   desired, the indirect object syntax can be used.

RFC 108: Scope of Polymorphic References and Objects
   No discussion was recorded on either version of this RFC, and it
   appears to duplicate features that were more fully explored in
   subsequent -objects RFCs. If this is incorrect, a clarified
   version should be reposted by Wed. Otherwise, it should be

RFC 103: Fix C<$pkg::$var> precedence issues with parsing of C<::>
   This is unrealistic and unimplementable without causing major

And that last one's mine, just so you know I don't consider myself above
honest evaluation.

RFCs that should be Frozen
RFC 153: Replace $self in @_ with self() builtin (not $ME)
   Some clarification of usage, syntax, and scope must be added.

RFC 161: Everything in Perl becomes an object
   This is a philosophical document which has garnered no true
   support nor detraction. Some clarification of *why* this would
   be good should be added.

RFC 128: C<my Dog $spot> is just an assertion
   Pretty much everyone seems to be in agreement.

RFC 223: Objects: C<use invocant> pragma
   The mailing list should be changed to -objects, but I did not
   hear any specific clarifications that were needed.

The remaining -objects RFCs should be clarified and reposted by

Finally, in the only effort towards facism I will take on this issue, if
I do not hear otherwise by next Friday, Sep 30th, I will request that
the above RFCs be retracted/frozen under the assumption that you
implicitly agree with my analyses. This is not an attempt to force my
will on others, but rather try to wrap things up and present Larry with
a set of at least somewhat cohesive RFCs. 


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