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=head1 TITLE

Replace invocant in @_ with self() builtin

=head1 VERSION

  Maintainer: Nathan Wiger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Date: 24 Aug 2000
  Last Modified: 24 Sep 2000
  Mailing List: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Number: 152
  Version: 2
  Status: Frozen


Currently, the invocant is passed into a sub as the first element of @_,
leading to the familiar construct:

   my $self = shift;

However, this is a big PITA. In particular, if you support several
different calling forms (like, you have to check whether $_[0]
is a ref or class name, etc.

This RFC, therefore, proposes a new builtin called C<self()> which will
return the correct invocant information. This has the added advantage
that it is consistent with C<caller()>, C<want()>, <ref()>, and other
context functions.


=head2 Syntax

The new function C<self()> would be called in the following way:

   sub fullname {
       my $self = self;
       @_ ? $self->{STATE}->{fullname} = $_[0]
          : $self->{STATE}->{fullname};

   sub my_junk {
       my $this = self;

   # Or even...

   sub error {
       carp @_ if self->config('VerboseErrors');

   sub uid {
       @_ ? self->{uid} = $_[0]
          : self->{uid};

The return value of C<self()> would be similar to the current invocant
in $_[0], with increased flexibility. In particular, it can be called
anywhere and everywhere, not just within a method.

Depending on the context it's called in, the return value of C<self()>
will be:

   1. A reference to the object, within an object method

   2. The name of the package, within a package

   3. Undef, if a sub is not called as a method

These different return values give us the ability to call C<self()>
anywhere within Perl 6 code:

   package MyPackage;
   # ... many other functions ...
   sub do_stuff {
       print "Hello, @_" if self->config('Yep');
   self->do_stuff;           # MyPackage->do_stuff

   package main;
   my $mp = new MyPackage;
   $mp->config('Yep') = 1;
   $mp->do_stuff('Nate');    # prints "Hello, Nate"

In addition, having a routine called C<self()> has the major advantage
that it hides the internal magic and scoping from the user. Just like
using C<want()> instead of a special variable called C<$WANT>, C<self()>
makes using and comprehending contexts easy, simply changing the Perl
5 rule:

   "The invocant is passed into subs as $_[0] in OO contexts"

To the simpler still:

   "The invocant is always gotten by calling self()"

This provides a consistent interface, since C<self()> can be called
anywhere, just like C<caller()>, C<want()>, and other context functions.

=head2 Arguments against C<use invocant>

This RFC was released prior to, and remains in opposition to, RFC 233,
which proposes a C<use invocant> pragma that provides the flexibility to
name the invocant anything you want.

As many have noted, Perl is already hard enough. C<use invocant> only
gives us multiple ways to do something without adding value, only
confusion, by promoting an inconsistent interface. Like providing a
means to rename C<@ARGV> and C<STDIN> because a person prefers C<@args>
and C<output>, C<use invocant> further complicates an issue which should
only be made easier.

The author of this RFC B<loves> Perl and loves its flexibility. However,
just like choosing a name for C<caller>, C<want>, C<print>, C<@ARGV>,
and so forth, we need to choose a name for C<self> as well to ease the
burden on the programmer. "Choosing an interface" does not amount to
"being un-Perlish" as some might purport to suggest. In fact, just the
opposite: We're decreasing the amount of time a user has to spend
decoding somebody else's invocant naming scheme by providing a very
Perlishly-named function. B<This makes things easier>.

If it is vital that the invocant must be named something specific, then
a person can always use a sub wrapper, tie, or a typeglob to rename it
appropriately. Actually, they don't even have to go to these extremes
since they can still do this:

   sub getdata {
       my $this = self;
       return $this->{DATA}->{$_[0]};

(that is, assign to a custom variable) anywhere they want to.

Finally, the author would be more than happy to settle for the selection
of something different than C<self>, such as C<this()>, C<$SELF>, or
even C<$ME>. The main point is that we need to choose something, because
doing so makes the language more consistent and easier (combatting two
widespread criticisms of Perl).


Replace the invocant usually included in $_[0] with C<self()>. Stop
passing the invocant in @_.


Backwards compatibility is simple. Subs can simply have the expression:

   unshift @_, self if self;

Added as the first line of the sub, since C<self()> will return undef if
not in an OO context.


Critique of the C<use invocant> pragma:

Outline of the benefits of C<self>:

RFC 21: Replace C<wantarray> with a generic C<want> function

RFC 233: Objects: C<use invocant> pragma

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