Perl6 RFC Librarian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> This and other RFCs are available on the web at
> =head1 TITLE
> Interface polymorphism considered lovely
> [...]
> I have some ideas about this, and I believe it may be possible to do a
> good chunk of the runtime/compile time behaviour in pure perl, but if
> we are to gain performance gains for more than just the programmer
> (though it's my contention that the potential time savings available to
> the programmer who's bug hunting are reason enough for this change)
> this stuff should be usable in core. And I know little of the core.

Right, I've done more than think, I've implemented (but not yet
written an exhaustive test suite or docs...). Check out
which I'll hopefully be putting in CPAN RSN.

There are two modules ex::interface and ex::implements (The ex::
namespace was suggested by Tim Bunce for experimental pragmas) and
work as follows:

    package Pet;

    use interface qw/eat speak defecate/;

    package Dog;

    use implements Pet;

    sub eat {...}

If the above is the complete definition of Dog then compilation will
fail with a list of the methods that haven't yet been implemented. If
a class implements more than one interface then the error report will
include a listing of all missing methods in all packages and

If you don't want compile time checking of of interfaces you can just

    use base Pet;

And you'll get runtime error reporting via the interface's AUTOLOAD.

For how it all works look at the code. The workings are much simpler
than I expected, whilst still not being entirely clear. Initial
attempts however were *way* more complex. (Have you ever tried
exporting and 'import' routine into the 'use'ing package?)

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