David Corbin wrote:
> m:(?['<list>' => '</list>').*(?]):
> or more generically
> m:(?['<\w+>' => '</\1>').*(?]):

I think these are good; but I do also like the idea of "automatic
reversing" by default, since that's a common operation.

Let's combine the ideas, as Richard suggests. How about:

   1. When a scalar value is provided as the argument
      to ?[, then that value is automatically reversed
      character-wise and bracket-wise.

   2. When a list is provided, each pair in the list
      is what to match.

So here are some examples:

   m/(?[<<<)Some stuff(?])/;    # <<<Some stuff>>>
   m/\@(?[{[)weird perl(?])/;   # @{[weird perl]}

   m/(?['<\w+>' => '</\1>').*(?])/;  # <tag>Text</tag>

   # less verbose, more robust
   my @tag = qw('<(\w+)\s*.*?>' => '</\1>');
   m/(?[@tag)Some title(?])(?[@tag)Open(?[@tag)Embedded(?])(?]);

That last one would match

   <h3>Some title</h3>
   <div align="center">

So really, all RFC 145 needs to do is introduce ?[ and ?], which do a
couple things by default (like brace-matching and character reversing),
but are actually general-purpose nesting operators when provided with a
list of things to match.


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