>       The existing pack and unpack methods are dependent upon a
>       simple yet complex 'format' structure, which is often
>        difficult to get right, and which carries no information
>       regarding the associated variable names.

I know what you mean, but it reads like "black yet white".  "simple 
grammar which leads to opaque format specifications, which are often" 

>       A whole new body of code, implementing an enhanced data
>       description capability.  Possibly with the following method
>       design.  [Note: Design is currently expressed in Perl5
>       syntax.  At least I think it is.  PROOFREADERS! ATTACK!]

I'll leave that to others.  My only comment is that pack and unpack 
are currently zippy: if going to an object-based interface slows them 
appreciably, people won't be happy.  More incentive to the internals 
group to make method calls fast.
Dominic Dunlop

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