On Wed, Aug 02, 2000 at 12:16:33AM -0400, Dan Sugalski wrote:
> I'd actually like to see some work on the shared memory and IPC stuff on 
> the language list--it'd be nice to have them in as mostly-primitives, 
> though in a more platform-neutral way.

"mostly-primitives" sounds like a fudge. Like the hacks used to get 'lock'
into the perl5. perl6 shouldn't need 'mostly-primitives'.

> From a language perspective, I have a scheme to allow us to yank all the 
> cruft (sockets, shm, messages, localtime...) out into separate libraries, 
> yet pull them in on demand without needing a use.

Why worry about a use?

Larry is thinking long and hard about 'interface definition' issues.
Specificaly in relation to enabling multiple versions of a module to
co-exist and, importantly, enabling multiple alternate implementations
of the same interface.

Let's wait and see where that goes first.


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