On Wed, Aug 30, 2000 at 04:43:56PM -0400, Jerrad Pierce wrote:
>Since everyone seems intent on breaking backward compatibility
>(Okay, so no one is explicitly setting out to do so, it is merely often
>dismissed as a non-issue). How about an RFC be done proposing that
>perl6 ship with a module named Perl5. Which one can use to remedy
>most breakings between the two?

Which things would be included in it?  Things I'm currently seeing are:


and probably a bunch of others.  If most of them are implemented in the
standard library (eg Time::Object, Format, whatever) then could "use
Perl5" just be a module bundle which imports all the necessary modules
to get as much Perl 5 functionality as possible?

And if so, should this be on -stdlib not -language?


Kirrily Robert -- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- http://netizen.com.au/
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