On Mon, 05 Feb 2001 11:35:59 -0500, Dan Sugalski wrote:

>> > use autoload { Bar => 'http://www.cpan.org/modules/Bar' },
>> >              { Baz => 'ftp://my.local.domain/perl-modules/Baz', VERSION =>
>>2 };
>>Very good idea indeed!!! Append the wishlist to add this module to perl6's
>>standard library!!!
>Very *bad* idea. It sounds nice, but using a remote module without any sort 
>of control is just begging for trouble.

I agree. Plus, it strikes me as asking for trouble. It sounds make-ish.
So every time you run a script, it could actually *upgrade* your module
behind your back, without you checking it!

But, this discussion gives me yet another idea. Think of a module,
somewhat like the B::* modules. This one could check your script, and
prevent perl from running it, but instead try to install any modules
that you're missing. The installation itself of the modules could be
handled by (an extension of) CPAN.pm. Of course, it shouldn't upgrade,
i.e. replace, any previously installed modules without your explicit


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