>  >I'm still trying to figure out why the flag needs to change. What's wrong
>  >with -e? It seems perfectly serviceable.
>  Because Larry said that by default Perl 6 would assume that its input was
>  in Perl 5...?  So we need a way to tell it that it isn't.

This one here's been bugging me for a bit. Larry never said that perl 6 
would assume its input code was perl 5. Perl 6 will always assume its input 
is perl 6. The said (and I'm still trying to dig up the quote) is that 
we'll be enabling warnings and strict by default (as opposed to the off by 
default now) if and only if perl can tell it's parsing code for a module. 
(Via the "module" keyword)

This all might change, of course, but that's my understanding of things as 
they stand now.


--------------------------------------"it's like this"-------------------
Dan Sugalski                          even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                         have teddy bears and even
                                      teddy bears get drunk

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