On Mon, Apr 23, 2001 at 01:02:50PM +0100, Simon Cozens wrote:
> Or we change the concatenation operator.

> $a = $b & $c; # Do people really use Perl for bit fiddling?

Yes, all the time.

> $a = $b # $c; /* Urgh */
> $a = $b ~ $c; # Mmm!
> I like that last one a lot, because it doesn't disturb anything.
> You'd have to alter ~'s precedence so that binary ~ is higher
> than named unary operators. (It's print($a~$b), not print $a (~b).)

I am not sure I do like the use of ~ here. It does not screan concatenate
to me (but then again neither did . when I started perl)

I am thinking that maybe it should be a 2 character operator with at
least one of then being + as + is common in many other languages
for doing concatenation.


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