> Horrors is right. The default perl5 behaviour is *useful*. I use the
> metaphor all of the time.
> Why not just keep it simple? And perl5-ish. Two contexts, scalar and list,
> hashes NOT a context of its own.

I agree. But what to do with:

   (%a, %b) = (%c, %d);

Surely that shouldn't act too differently from:

   %a = (%c, %d);

It seems either the list should be flattened or not.

Maybe we need a new flattening operator. I don't think the proposed := by
itself would do everything we need to do. Maybe we need a way to say
"flatten these together". I'm going to throw out a new ":" op here:

   %a = (%b, %c);         # same as %a = %b
   %a = (%b : %c);        # flattened like Perl 5
   (%a, %b) = (%c, %d);   # kept separate
   (%a, %b) = (%c : %d);  # %a slurps all of flattened %c and %d,
                          # %b gets nothin'

This allows you added functionality to flatten stuff as you see fit:

   (%a, %b) = (%c : %d, @e : @f);
   (@a, @b) = ($c : $d : $e : $f, @g : $f);

Hmmm... I kinda like that... Am I missing anything?


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