At 08:10 PM 05-14-2001 +0100, Graham Barr wrote:
>On Mon, May 14, 2001 at 01:56:01PM -0500, Me wrote:
> > > Hm, OK. What does this access and using what method ?
> > >
> > >   $foo = '1.2';
> > >   @bar[$foo];
> >
> > This is an argument against conflating @ and %.
>No it is not.
> > It has nothing to do with using [] instead of {}.
>Yes it does. I was asking if the above is equivalent to
>   $bar[$foo]  or  $bar{$foo}  in todays perl.

What is the meaning of the following four expressions in Perl6?

        @bar[$foo]; # A
        %bar{$foo}; # B
        @bar{$foo}; # C
        %bar[$foo]; # D

You seem to be advocating A and B, "Me" is advocating A and D.

Why is one set better than the other?


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