On Thu, Jun 07, 2001 at 07:59:31AM +1000, Damian Conway wrote:
>    > But with the above you still have abiguity, for example what does this do
>    > 
>    >          $bar =~ /$foo.colour($xyz)/;
> "Looks like a method call with parens, so *is* a method call with parens."
>    > I may be remembering about interpolation into strings as "$file.ext" is
>    > going to be common. But I do think the $() approach is clean and
>    > unambiguous
> I agree wholeheartedly. 


> But it's not as *convenient* as "unadorned" interpolation.

Sometimes convenient has to give way

> Expecially if we expect method calls to be frequently interpolated.

I don't hear people screaming because it's difficult in perl5, so I doubt
it will be very frequent. But even the $() is easier than the current
perl5 way to do it.


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