David L. Nicol wrote:
> "seal" has been suggested.
> ...
> As for read-only being an attribute, if attributes are compiler hints, how
> do we set something to be read-only then?  And we can't unseal a r-o item
> without making a copy of it. 

Pardon me, but why the fsck is so much time and energy being spent
on this issue?  Read-only-ness will be trivial to implement in perl6,
and presumably it will be done via an attribute.
And it will presumably have a sensible name like "readonly".

If there really must be a function to turn it on and off, wtf
would it be anything less sensible than "make_readonly" or similar?
Trying to overload "close" to the job is just ridiculous.

> Currently nothing in perl enforces access besides lexical visibility
> rules.

This will of course be different in perl6.
If you're hung up on the implementation, please take it
to the -internals list.

Thank you.

John Porter

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