On Wed, Oct 17, 2001 at 03:42:30PM -0500, David Nicol wrote:
> I am implementing a textbook algo in Perl (the textbook has
> it written in C++) and have realized that if undef was to
> numericize to NaN instead of 0, there are a lot of uninitialization
> errors that would get caught.  
>       use strict vars;
> does not recognize use of new array indices as unitialized variables.

Yes, but do you really want to break:

        $z[0] = 50;
        $z[2] = 20;
        @x = @y[@z];

Aaron Sherman
[EMAIL PROTECTED]             finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for GPG info. Fingerprint:
www.ajs.com/~ajs        6DC1 F67A B9FB 2FBA D04C  619E FC35 5713 2676 CEAF
  "Write your letters in the sand for the day I'll take your hand
   In the land that our grandchildren knew." -Queen/_'39_

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