On Wed, 31 Oct 2001, David Nesting wrote:

> On Tue, Oct 30, 2001 at 09:37:39AM -0500, Aaron Sherman wrote:
> : Yep, but in Perl5, this was never very clean or obvious to the
> : casual programmer. Constants have been coming of age in Perl,
> : and they're kind of scary if they're not constant.
> On one hand, one might say that a developer changing a constant's
> binding in order to change its value is probably doing so because he
> knows what he's doing.  As I understand things, constants are really
> just read-only variables.  Do we necessarily want to make a special
> case out of them and make the variable read-only as well as locking
> down the symbol itself against re-binding?

Upon reflection, I agree with Me. Nesting... I guess if it were some new
Perl 6 programmer complaining to me that his constants aren't constant I'd
say to that person: "It's nobody's fault but yours that you didn't read
the language documentation before using 'is const'."

It really comes down to adjusting your thinking to understand the
difference between a variable and its value.  Once you do that, the
proposed behaviour of "is const" makes perfect sense.

- D


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