On Wed, Jan 23, 2002 at 02:25:35PM -0800, Glenn Linderman wrote:
> I think you just said the same thing I did.  To be more explicit, using
> the terminology you seem to want to use, I'll point out that I was only
> talking about the case of an inherited method, not a _replacement_
> method.  In other words, when you inherit a method, you are taking the
> base implementation for that method.  But if you replace a method, you
> are not inheriting that method, but rather replacing it; yes, the
> replacement method may choose to call the base implementation's method
> as part of the replacement implementation.  When you replace a method,
> you have 2 subroutines, the base implementation, and the replacement
> implementation, but when you inherit a method, you have only 1
> subroutine, which may be called 2 different ways.

But the base class may be just an interface class. And thus by inheriting
the pre conditions you are enforcing the API. So I can see a use for
it, but I can also see where you don't want it too.


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