On Mon, Jan 28, 2002 at 01:52:13PM -0600, Garrett Goebel wrote:
:From: Brent Dax [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
:> Aaron Sherman:
:> #
:> # I think the first guy that gets hired to maintain Perl6 code,
:> # and think "hey, I know Perl, no sweat" will disagree with
:> # you.
:> I disagree.  He'll see stuff he doesn't understand and try to
:> consult perldoc on it, at which point he'll realize that he's
:> working with Perl 6.  Then he'll run out, get Camel IV, read
:> it, and go back to work. Programmer is working with a better
:> version of language, program is fixed, and ORA made fifty
:> bucks.  Everybody's happy.  :^)
:Perhaps. Or perhaps he'll be like our company's lead C++ developers. They
:liked Perl4 well enough for a certain problem domain, saw some Perl5 code...
:and have tried to stay away from it ever since.
:Perl6 isn't going to make everyone happy.

Until you start running their code on parrot, or compile it to Perl
bytecode.  :-)

Darn, nasty thoughts out loud again.

  Casey West

"Louis Pasteur's theory of germs is ridiculous fiction".
 -- Pierre Pachet, Professor of Physiology at Toulouse, 1872

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