Larry Wall:
# Some people might think of it more like this:
#       @result = @data ^. {block};
# except that {block} would be parsed as a subscript, and you want
# argument binding, so it starts looking more like:
#       @result = @data ^-> $a {block};
# But -> really is a term-forcer, so that means we're really talking
# about the bare ^ operator:
#       @result = @data ^ $subref;
# That's gettin' kinda scary.

Then maybe we require (or at least request) a do:

        @result = @data ^do $subref;

Is that a little closer to the comfort zone?

However, note that that still leaves grep as-is, with the old format.
Perhaps that's a clue that we should leave this alone, though perhaps
with the args to map and grep rearranged.

--Brent Dax
Parrot Configure pumpking and regex hacker
Check out the Parrot FAQ: (no,
it's not mine)

<obra> mmmm. hawt sysadmin chx0rs
<lathos> This is sad. I know of *a* hawt sysamin chx0r.
<obra> I know more than a few.
<lathos> obra: There are two? Are you sure it's not the same one?

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