On Thu, Feb 21, 2002 at 12:30:11PM +0000, Sam Vilain wrote:
> I think Perl 6 should have a "but" keyword, as in:
> if (defined $foo but $foo eq "") {

*scratches head*
so... it negates the left side, then ANDs it with the right?

also, it seems to be rather vague to me.

in order to sound clearer, I think it would need to be written as

if (not defined $foo but $foo eq '') {

but then, what does this give us besides another way to write 'and'?
I could be missing something basic here, ignore me if I am.
> }
> :-)


P.S. The first 'revision' was mistakenly sent only to the author, not 
the list, sorry bout that Sam.

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