Eric Roode writes:
: Larry Wall writes:
:  > I think if we have to go through contortions to get at the outer topic
:  > by name, it's better to just name the variable on the outer loop in the
:  > first place.  Adding -> $varname to the outer loop is safe, because it
:  > doesn't change the semantics of topicality--now that we changed the
:  > rule so that $_ is always aliased to the topic regardless of whether
:  > it's aliased to an explicit variable name.
:  > 
:  > Larry
: This seems to argue against OUTER::

Yeah, but we need to have OUTER:: anyway if we want to support

    my $foo = $OUTER::foo;

And we need that because, unlike in Perl 5, the new $foo is introduced
immediately, not at the end of the statement.  And the reason for that
is so that something like

    my &foo = sub { foo() }

can recognize that recursion is supposed to happen.  (We didn't have to
deal with that in Perl 5 because we didn't have lexical subroutines.)

Anyway, as I said earlier, I made $OUTER::foo ugly on purpose.  I
particularly want people to start to gnash their teeth when they type
$OUTER::OUTER::foo, because it means they're being lazy in the wrong way.


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