I have been following this thread, but I would just like to inject a summary
of the various related UPPERCASE blocks

 PRE    Executes on block entry.
        Loop variables are in a known state

 POST   Executes on block exit.
        Loop variables are in a known state

 NEXT   Executes on implicit block exit or call to next()
        Loop variables are in a known state

 LAST   Executes on implicit loop exit or call to last()
        Loop variables may be unknown

And I think this thread is proposing

 FIRST   A PRE block that is executed only on the first itteration
         of the loop

 BETWEEN A PRE block that does not execute for the first iteration
         of the loop.

So FIRST and BETWEEN are just shorthand for

 my $count;
 loop {
   PRE {
     if ($count++) {
       # BETWEEN code here
     else {
       # FIRST code here


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