I keep expecting Damian or Larry or someone to step in with The True
Grammar and make this obsolete -- does such a thing exist?

Changes in this version:

- A bit more speed (though nowhere near enough).  It comes from a
  combination of improving rule ordering, inlining some rules, moving
  most parse tree munging into post-processing functions, and
  (optionally) tweaking Parse::RecDescent to inline a couple
  frequently-called functions.

- 'err' and '//' are included, and have the right precedence (cf
  Exegesis 4).

- Dereferencing and indexing the current topic (".{blah}") now works.

- Output is slightly less ugly.

- Implicit currying variables ($^a etc) are in.  I thought I had read
  somewhere they were gone in favor of closure args, but people seem
  to be using them, and they're not hard to put in.

- loop(;;) { ... }

- labels.

Notably absent:

- Distinguishing lvalues from rvalues.

- anything from Apocalypse 5.

Feedback and improvements welcome.

use Data::Dumper;
use Getopt::Long;
use strict;
$Data::Dumper::Terse = 1;
$Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;
use Term::ReadLine;

# Argument context for functions and control structures

%::WANT = ();

# Functions (list operators):
# XXX: many of these need their own special want_* rules
my $FUNCTION_ARGS = 'maybe_comma';

my @builtin_funcs = qw(crypt index pack rindex sprintf substr
                       join unpack split
                       push unshift splice
                       warn die print printf read select syscall sysread
                       sysseek syswrite truncate write
                       chmod chown fcntl ioctl link open opendir
                       rename symlink sysopen unlink
                       return fail
@::WANT{@builtin_funcs} = ($FUNCTION_ARGS) x @builtin_funcs;

sub ::add_function {
    my $fname = shift->[1];
    $::WANT{$fname} = shift || $FUNCTION_ARGS;

# Loop control
my @loop_control = qw(redo last next continue);
@::WANT{@loop_control} = ('maybe_namepart') x @loop_control;

# Unary operators
# XXX: need to handle default $_
my @unary_ops = qw(chop chomp chr hex lc lcfirst length
                   ord reverse uc ucfirst
                   abs atan2 cos exp hex int log oct rand sin sqrt srand
                   pop shift
                   delete each exists keys values
                   defined undef
                   chdir chroot glob mkdir rmdir stat umask
@::WANT{@unary_ops} = ('prefix') x @unary_ops;

# Control operators
my @control = qw(for given when default if elsif else grep map);
@::WANT{@control} = map { "want_for_$_" } @control;

# Named blocks
my @special_blocks = qw(CATCH BEGIN END INIT AUTOLOAD
                        PRE POST NEXT LAST FIRST
                        try do);
@::WANT{@special_blocks} = ('closure') x @special_blocks;

# Classes (builtin and otherwise)
%::CLASSES = ();
my @builtin_types = qw(int real str HASH ARRAY SCALAR
                       true false); # XXX: these are really constants
@::CLASSES{@builtin_types} = @builtin_types;

sub ::add_class {               # seen class.
    my $c = shift->[1];
    $::CLASSES{$c} = $c;

# HACK to distinguish between "my ($a, $b) ..." and "foo ($a, $b)".
# Don't need all keywords in here, but only the ones that cause
# problems.
%::KEYWORDS = ();
@::KEYWORDS{qw(my our temp)} = 1;

# (see Parse::RecDescent::Consumer)
sub ::consumer {
    my $t = shift;
    my $old_len = length $t;
    return sub {
        my $len = length($_[0]);
        return substr($t, 0, ($old_len - $len));

my %since;

sub ::check_end {
    my ($type, $text) = @_;
    if ($since{$type}) {
        local $_ = $since{$type}->($text);
        return m/\A[\s\n]+\z/ || undef;
    return undef;

sub ::mark_end {
    my ($type, $text) = @_;
    $since{$type} = ::consumer($text);

my $literals = <<'END';
sv_literal:       /(?:\d+(?:\.\d+)?|\.\d+)(?:[Ee]-?\d+)?/
                | '{' <commit> hv_seq '}'
                | '[' <commit> av_seq(?) ']'
                | <perl_quotelike>

av_seq:           semi /[;,]?/
av_literal:       '(' av_seq(?) ')'

hv_seq:           <leftop: pair ',' pair> /,?/
hv_literal:       '(' hv_seq ')'

$::NAMEPART = qr/[a-zA-Z_][\w_]*/;
my $variables = <<'END';
variable:         sigil <skip:''> varname

sigil:            /[\@\%\$\&]/

varname:          name
                | /\d+/
                | /[\!_]/
                | '^' <commit> namepart
                | ('*')(?) '{' <skip:'\s*'> (scalar_expr | name) '}'

name:             /(?:::|\.|\*)?$::NAMEPART(::$::NAMEPART)*/o

namepart:         /$::NAMEPART/o


$::COMPARE = qr{cmp | eq | [gnl]e | [gl]t
                | <=> | [<>=!]= | < | > }x;
$::CONTEXT = qr{[\%\@\$\&*_?] | \+(?!\+)}x;
$::MULDIV = qr{[\%*x] | /(?!/)}x;
$::PREFIX = qr{[!~\\] | -(?![->])}x;
$::ADDSUB = qr{[-+_]};
$::LOG_OR = qr{x?or | err}x;
$::LOGOR = qr{\|\| | ~~ | //}x;
$::FILETEST = qr{-[rwxoRWXOezsfdlpSbctugkTBMAC]+};
$::ASSIGN = qr{(?:
               ! | :                    # != and :=
               | //                     # defined
               | &&? | \|\|? | ~~?      # Logical and bitwise operators
               | << | >>                # bitshifts
               | $::ADDSUB
               | $::MULDIV
               | \*\*                   # pow
my $operators = <<'END';
hype:             '^' <commit> <skip:''> <matchrule:$arg[0]>
                | <matchrule:$arg[0]>

maybe_namepart:   namepart |
maybe_comma:      comma[$arg[0]] |      

hv_indices:       /[\w_]+/ | comma

arglist:          '(' comma(?) ')'

subscript:        <skip:''> '{' <commit> <skip:$item[1]> hv_indices '}'
                | <skip:''> '[' <commit> <skip:$item[1]> av_seq ']'
                | '(' comma(?) ')'

subscriptable:    name <commit>
                        { exists($::KEYWORDS{$item[1][1]}) ? undef : 1 }
                | '.' <commit> <skip:''> namepart(?)
                | '(' <commit> av_seq(?) ')'
                | variable

context:          /$::CONTEXT/o
# context:        '%' | '@' | '$' | '&' | '*' | '_' | '?'
#               | /\+(?!\+)/ # numeric context...

term:             '<' <commit> expr(?) '>'
                | subscriptable <commit> subscript(s?)
                | /$::CONTEXT/o <commit> term
                | sv_literal
                | class
                | closure

apply_rhs:        namepart <commit> subscript(s?)
                | subscript(s)

apply:            <leftop: term hype['apply_op'] apply_rhs>
apply_op:         '.'

incr:             hype['incr_op'] <commit> apply
                | apply hype['incr_op'](?)
incr_op:          '++' | '--'

pow:              <leftop: incr hype['pow_op'] prefix>
pow_op:           '**'

prefix:           filetest_op <commit> prefix
                | hype['prefix_op'] <commit> prefix
                | name { $::WANT{$item[1][1]} } <matchrule:$item[2]>
                | pow

# prefix_op:      '!' | '~' | '\\' | /-(?![->])/
prefix_op:        /$::PREFIX/o
filetest_op:      /$::FILETEST/o

pair:             namepart '=>' <commit> prefix
                | prefix '=>' prefix
maybe_pair:       namepart '=>' <commit> prefix
                | prefix ('=>' prefix)(?)

match:            <leftop: maybe_pair hype['match_op'] maybe_pair>
match_op:         '=~' | '!~'

muldiv:           <leftop: match hype['muldiv_op'] match>
# muldiv_op:      '*' | '/' | '%' | 'x'
muldiv_op:        /$::MULDIV/o

addsub:           <leftop: muldiv hype['addsub_op'] muldiv>
# addsub_op:      '+' | '-' | '_'
addsub_op:        /$::ADDSUB/o

bitshift:         <leftop: addsub hype['bitshift_op'] addsub>
bitshift_op:      '<<' | '>>'

compare:          <leftop: bitshift hype['compare_op'] bitshift>
compare_op:       /$::COMPARE/o
# compare_op:     '<=>' | '<=' | '==' | '>=' | '<' | '>' | '!='
#               | 'eq' | 'ge' | 'ne' | 'le' | 'lt' | 'gt' | 'cmp'

bitand:           <leftop: compare hype['bitand_op'] compare>
bitand_op:        '&'

bitor:            <leftop: bitand hype['bitor_op'] bitand>
bitor_op:         '|' | '~'

logand:           <leftop: bitor hype['logand_op'] bitor>
logand_op:        '&&'

logor:            <leftop: logand hype['logor_op'] logand>
# logor_op:       '||' | '~~' | '//'
logor_op:         /$::LOGOR/o

range:            logor (range_op logor)(?)
range_op:         '..'

ternary:          range ('??' ternary '::' ternary)(?)

scope:            'my' | 'temp' | 'our'
class:            name { $::CLASSES{$item[1][1]} }
                        { bless ['class', $item[1]], 'Perl6::class' }

scope_class:      scope <commit> class(?)
                | class

property:         name { ($item[1][1] ne $arg[0]) || undef }

and_prop:         "$arg[0]" <commit> property[$arg[0]]
                | property[$arg[0]]
props:            "$arg[0]" <commit> property and_prop[$arg[0]](s?)
                | # nothing
decl:             '(' <commit> <leftop: variable ',' variable> ')' props['are']
                |  variable props['is']

assign:           assign_lhs assign_rhs(s?)

assign_lhs:       scope_class decl
                | ternary
assign_rhs:       hype['assign_op'] scalar_expr

assign_op:        /$::ASSIGN/o
# assign_op:      /[!:]?=/ <commit>
#               | assignable_op <skip:''> '='
# assignable_op:          '//'
#               | logand_op | logor_op
#               | bitand_op | bitor_op | bitshift_op
#               | addsub_op | muldiv_op | pow_op

scalar_expr:      assign but(s?)
but:              'but' assign

comma:            <leftop: <matchrule:@{[$arg[0] || 'scalar_expr']}>
                        comma_op <matchrule:@{[$arg[0] || 'scalar_expr']}> >
comma_op:         ','

semi:             <leftop: comma semi_op comma>
semi_op:          ';'

adverb:           scalar_expr adv_clause(?)
adv_clause:       /:(?!:)/ comma['scalar_expr']

log_AND:          <leftop: adverb hype['log_AND_op'] adverb>
log_AND_op:       'and'

log_OR:           <leftop: log_AND hype['log_OR_op'] log_AND>
# log_OR_op:      'or' | 'xor' | 'err'
log_OR_op:        /$::LOG_OR/o

expr:             log_OR


my $declarations = <<'END';
params:           '(' (_params ',')(?) '*' <commit> '@' namepart ')'
                | '(' <commit> _params(?) (';' _params)(?) ')'
                | # nothing

_params:          <leftop: _param ',' _param>
_param:           scope_class(?) variable props['is'] initializer(?)
initializer:      hype['assign_op'] expr


my $statements = <<'END';
prog:             /\A/ stmts /\z/
                | <error>

stmts:            <leftop: stmt stmt_sep stmt> stmt_sep(?)
                | # nothing

stmt_sep:         ';'
                | { ::check_end('block', $text) }
                | { ::check_end('label', $text) }

stmt:             namepart ':' { ::mark_end('label', $text);1 } ''
                | directive <commit> name comma(?)
                | 'method' <commit> name params props['is'] block
                | 'loop' <commit>
                        '(' scalar_expr ';' scalar_expr ';' scalar_expr ')'
                | scope(?) 'sub' <commit> name { ::add_function($item[4]);1 }
                        params props['is'] block
                | scope(?) 'class' <commit> name { ::add_class($item[4]);1 }
                        props['is'] block
                | expr guard(?)

directive:        'package' | 'module' | 'use'
guard:            ('if' | 'unless' | 'while') <commit> scalar_expr
                |  'for' expr

block:            start_block '...' <commit> '}'
                        { ::mark_end('block', $text);1; } ''
                | start_block stmts '}'
                        { ::mark_end('block', $text);1; } ''

start_block:      <skip:''> /\s*(?<![^\n\s]){\s*/m

closure:          '->' '(' <commit> _closure_args(?) ')' block
                | '->' <commit> _closure_args(?) block
                | block

_closure_args:    <leftop: comma['variable'](?) ';' comma['variable']>

my $wants = <<'END';
want_for_for:     av_seq closure
want_for_given:   scalar_expr closure
want_for_when:    comma closure
want_for_default: closure

want_for_if:      scalar_expr closure elsif(s?) else(?)
elsif:            'elsif' scalar_expr closure
else:             'else' closure

want_for_grep:    scalar_expr comma
want_for_map:     scalar_expr comma

# Parse tree simplification:

sub preorder(&$) {                      # walk parse tree pre-order
    my $f = shift;
    if (UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], 'ARRAY')) {
        preorder($f, $_) for @{$_[0]};

sub postorder(&$) {                     # walk post-order
    my $f = shift;
    if (UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], 'ARRAY')) {
        postorder($f, $_) for @{$_[0]};

# postorder_filter BLOCK $tree, \@classes
#       call BLOCK on each node whose class is in \@classes, or on
#       every node if \@classes is not given.
sub postorder_filter(&$;$) {
    my ($f, $tree, $filter) = @_;
    my %doit;
    my $nofilter;
    if (ref $filter) {
        @doit{map { 'Perl6::'.$_ } @$filter} = (1)x@$filter;
    } else {
        $nofilter = 1;
    postorder {
        if ($nofilter || exists $doit{ref($_[0])}) {
    } $tree;

# remove_if BLOCK $tree, \@classes
#       call BLOCK on each node whose class is in \@classes, or on
#       every node if \@classes is not given.  If BLOCK returns true,
#       remove the node.
sub remove_if(&$;$) {
    my ($f, $tree, $filter) = @_;
    postorder_filter {
        my $x = $_[0];
        if (UNIVERSAL::isa($x, 'ARRAY')) {
            my $i = 0;
            while ($i <= $#{$x}) {
                if ($f->($x->[$i])) {
                    splice @$x, $i, 1;
                } else {
    } $tree, $filter;

sub remove_names {                      # remove first item from each node.
    preorder {
        if(ref($_[0]) =~ /^Perl6::/) {
            shift @{$_[0]};
    } $_[0];

# A couple of specialized pruning functions:
sub Perl6::block::tidy {
    my $x = $_[0];
    my $y = $x->[2];
    splice @$x, 1, scalar(@$x), $y;

sub Perl6::and_prop::tidy {
    if (@{$_[0]} == 4) {
        my $y = $_[0][-1];
        splice @{$_[0]}, 1, scalar(@{$_[0]}) - 1, $y;

sub prune {
    my $tree = $_[0];
    # Custom filtering first:
    preorder {
        $_[0]->tidy if UNIVERSAL::can($_[0], 'tidy')
    } $tree;

    # Remove redundant names:
    remove_names $tree;

    # Elements we never care about:
    remove_if {
        (UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], 'Perl6::stmt_sep') ||
         $_[0] eq '\s*' ||
         UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], 'ARRAY') && @{$_[0]} == 0)
    } $tree;

    # Uninteresting literals:
    remove_if { !ref($_[0]) } $tree,
        [qw(arglist prog closure _param props)];

    # Ones from successful directives:
    remove_if { $_[0] == 1 } $tree,
        [qw(stmt stmts term class property scope_class incr
            param params prefix subscript)];

    # flatten infix operators with single operands:
    postorder_filter {
        if (@{$_[0][0]} == 1) {
            $_[0] = $_[0][0][0];
        } else {
            splice @{$_[0]}, 0, 1, @{$_[0][0]};
    } $tree, [qw(hv_seq apply pow match muldiv addsub bitshift compare
                 bitand bitor logand logor comma semi log_AND log_OR 
                 _params stmts _closure_args)];

    # Flatten final altnernative:
    postorder_filter {
        my $y = $_[0][-1];
        if (@{$_[0]} > 1 && UNIVERSAL::isa($y, 'ARRAY')) {
            splice @{$_[0]}, -1, 1, @$y;
    } $tree, [qw(assign props property _param scope_class)];

    # Flatten items that add no information:
    postorder_filter {
        $_[0] = $_[0][0] if @{$_[0]} == 1
    } $tree,
        [qw(sigil name namepart maybe_comma maybe_namepart
            varname subscriptable term incr prefix maybe_pair
            expr range ternary assign_lhs assign scalar_expr adverb
            and_prop hype prog stmt)];

# Interaction
my %o;
(GetOptions(\%o, qw(dumper rule=s batch help cache trace silent no-hitem))
 && !$o{help})
    || die <<END;
Usage: $0 [options]
        --batch         read batch on STDIN, write to STDOUT
        --dumper        use Data::Dumper to generate output
        --rule NAME     start with rule NAME (default = 'prog')
        --cache         use precompiled grammar
        --silent        don't do any output (not too useful)
        --trace         set \$::RD_TRACE
        --no-hitem      don't keep track of \%item hash

    In interactive mode, output is terminated by a blank line.

$::RD_TRACE = $o{trace};
$::RD_NO_HITEM = $o{"no-hitem"};
$::rule = $o{rule} || 'prog';

my $parser;
my $gname = 'Perl6grammar';
$::RD_AUTOACTION = q { bless [@item], 'Perl6::'.$item[0] };

if ($o{cache} && eval("require $gname")) {
    $parser = eval "new $gname" or die "$gname: $@";
} else {
    print STDERR "Constructing parser...";
    use Parse::RecDescent;
    my $grammar = <<'END';
    $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { use Carp 'confess'; confess @_ };
    $grammar .= $variables
    if ($o{cache}) {
        Parse::RecDescent->Precompile($grammar, $gname);
        eval "require $gname" or die $@;
        $parser = new $gname;
    } else {
        $parser = new Parse::RecDescent($grammar);
    print STDERR "done\n";

sub as_sexp {
    my $x = shift;
    if (UNIVERSAL::isa($x, 'ARRAY')) {
        (my $t = ref($x)) =~ s/.*:://;
        return '('.join(' ', $t, map { as_sexp($_) } @$x).')';
    } else {
        return $x;

sub pretty {
    my $x = shift;
    if ($o{dumper}) {
    } else {

my $in = '';
if ($o{batch}) {
    local $/ = undef;
    $in = <STDIN>;
    my $result = $parser->$::rule($in);
    print STDERR "done\n";
    print pretty($result) unless $o{silent};

my $term = new Term::ReadLine;
my $prompt = '> ';
while (defined(my $l = $term->readline($prompt))) {
    if ($in =~ /^:(.*)/) {
        print eval $1, "\n";
        $in = '';
    unless ($l =~ /^$/) {
        $in .= "$l\n";
        $prompt = '? ';
    print "as $::rule:\n";
    my $result = $parser->$::rule($in);
    print STDERR "done\n";
    if ($result) {
        print pretty($result);
    } else {
        print "parse error\n";
    print "\n";
    $in = '';
    $prompt = '> ';

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