On Tue, 29 Oct 2002 14:19:59 -0800, Paul Johnson wrote:

> So I would like to see able to tag arbitrary information onto just about
> everything, including files, packages, classes, subroutines, blocks, control
> structures, statements, lines, expressions, variables and whatever else I've
> forgotten about.  Properties can be attached to some of these.  Can we
> generalise this at all?

> Of course, the applicability of this is not limited to code coverage, so it
> would be nice to have something as general and multi purpose as possible.

> But I don't want language support for saying that, that seems to be a problem
> for the applications that want the data, although I'd be glad to be shown that
> I am wrong and that the language can support that in a clean and concise way.
> Instead, I just want somewhere to hang arbitrary data.

Dan started a thread about bytecode in p6i:


I jumped on the "arbitrary metadata" soapbox, and finally distilled my thoughts
down to this:


It sounds like we're thinking along the same lines.  This would be very handy
for introspective tools (code coverage, refactoring browsers, IDEs...).

-- c

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