On Tue, 05 Nov 2002 23:18:01 -0800, Allison Randal wrote:

> If you really want to be involved where the rubber meets the road -- where the
> "abstract" design gets tested and every last detail must be fleshed out -- you
> might contribute to Parrot. It has a good many of the features of the first 5
> Apocalypses implemented already.

One excellent opportunity is to write tests for Perl 6 features.  Testing gives
several benefits:

        - exploring the syntax with a working interpreter
        - mapping the boundaries of what's expected
        - providing good feedback for debugging Perl 6
        - exposing what's not yet implemented
        - ensuring that regressions only happen once

I'd be thrilled to help anyone learn how to do this.  It's one of the most
important places to contribute, but it's all-too-often overlooked.

-- c

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