On Fri, Dec 06, 2002 at 09:33:14AM -0500, Miko O'Sullivan wrote:
> For example, suppose I want to separate a list of people into people who
> have never donated money and those who have.  Assuming that each person
> object has a donations property which is an array reference, I would want
> to classify them in this manner:
>   (@nevers, @donors) := classify($_->[donations]) @people;
> According to the C<int> model, that would give me people who have donated
> zero times, and people who have donated once, and the people who have
> donated more than once would be lost.

Then turn donations into a boolean.

   (@donors, @nevers) := classify(!$_->[donations]) @people;

I don't think there is the need to bloat the langauge with every special
case we can think of.


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