On Fri, 14 Mar 2003 10:46:31 +0000, Larry Wall wrote:

> If you say
>     $foo.isa(Even)
> it doesn't just check to see if $foo is a member of class Int, but it also
> checks the constraints on type Even, and returns false unless $foo is an even
> integer.
> We could still call Even a class if we wanted to, but it seems useful to me to
> distinguish classes that work "right" from classes that engage in hanky-panky. 
> I think of types as being "semi-instantiated". In a sense, this is currying of
> classes.

Is isa() the right name?  

Distinguishing between type and class seems very useful.  A type signature says
"I want something that has these traits".  Checking isa says "I want something
that has this place within a class hierarchy."

Attaching type information to a class makes sense -- you've got downwards
substitutability there, but checking "is it this class or a descendant" when all you 
mean is "does it have these traits" is way too specific and prevents a lot of

It's a subtle distinction.  Allomorphism, anyone?

-- c

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