Simon Cozens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> it was addressing a problem at too low a level. This could be because I'm a
> grouchy old-timer, and I carry over a Perl 5 design principle that says that
> changes should be made in as general a way as possible.

It's a very good principle, I think.

One (tiny) generalization I could think of was to pass everything
between the \F and the funny character as an argument to a method call
on the value. This method then stringifies the value. The default
method just does sprintf or something similar. I see that it would
probably be better to pass something like a general "stringification
context" to the value, which could contain eg. language info.

> Ziggy mentioned earlier today. I think all that needs to happen at this stage
> is that we realise that a nicer way to do formatting in strings
> would be good,

I'm content if this will be revisited (hopefully by someone with
better overview than mine). It just should not be ignored.

> Unfortunately, it cuts both ways; this is the second post in a row you've
> ended with an unnecessary barb. I know I'm no saint as far as that's
> concerned, but I also know it doesn't necessary endear people to your point of
> view.

Look, no barb --> :)


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