On Mon, Jun 16, 2003 at 10:15:57AM -0700, Michael Lazzaro wrote:
> On Friday, June 13, 2003, at 10:26 PM, David Storrs wrote:
> >    my     $a = 'foo';
> >    my Int $b = $a;  # legal; $b is now 0;  is there a warning?
> >    my     $c = $b;  # is $c 0, or 'foo'?
> 0, I think.  Or specifically, C<Int 0>.  

So then conversion from Scalar to Int is not lossless, and
(by extension) conversions from Scalar to any other LargeCapPrimitive
are presumably not lossless either.

> (I've been operating under the 
> assumption that an "untyped scalar" doesn't _remove_ the type of 
> something, it just can store values of _any_ type, and is by default 
> much more generous about autoconverting them for you, so that you could 
> use $c as an Int, int, Num, num, Str, str, etc., without warning or 
> error... but internally, it's actually still storing the value as an 
> C<Int 0>, because that's what you assigned to it.)

Seems reasonable.  

<pedantic> Although I would assume that it would store and pull the
value from an Int slot, then create a new value of the "converted to"
type, and use that.  </pedantic>

> >    my Str $d = $a;      # no loss
> >    my     $a = $d;      # no effective change in $a
> >    my     $e = $b;      # what is $d?
> $d?  Still a Str, I would think.  And $e would be Int 0, same as $c

I obviously had either a typo or a braino on the last line there.  I
have no idea what I was trying to ask.

> > What value does $f end up with? (My vote would be '7'.)
> My understanding is that properties go with the values, (just like 
> traits go with the variables), so I would expect $f to be C<7 but 
> false>.  So if a value is C<but false>, it stays C<but false> until you 
> say otherwise.

A better example of what I was driving at would be this:

   my     $a = 'foo' but purple;
   my Int $b = $a; 

In other words: I've just created an untyped Scalar. This Scalar is
(presumably in it's Str slot) storing a string value which happens
to have a property set on it  (i.e., C<foo but purple).  Now I assign
this Str to an Int.  String values get converted when assigned to
Ints.  Are we converting and assigning THE IDENTICAL VALUE or are we
creating a new value (whose value, in a numeric context, is considered
equivalent) and assigning that?  In the first case, I would expect
that the property would be preserved.  In the latter case, I would
expect it NOT to be preserved.


OT afterthought: In the past, whenever we've gotten embroiled in one
of these thorny, knotty issues, @Larry has pulled a stunningly
beautiful, elegant rabbit out of their hats.  And when I thought that,
I had this vision of a single quantum rabbit simultaneously coming out
of multiple hats with widely divergent spatial coordinates....

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