On Tue, 2003-12-16 at 12:06, Michael Lazzaro wrote:

> My own first instinct would be that the run-time extensibility of a 
> particular interface/class would simply be a trait attached to that 
> class... by default, classes don't get it.

That doesn't sound very dynamic.

At the post-OSCON design meetings, Larry suggested that the user of a
class or library could say "I'm not going to muck about with this at
runtime and any extra optimization would be nice, so go ahead and do
whatever you can do it."

Putting that opportunity on the user has several advantages:

- the library writer isn't responsible for getting the library
completely perfect, because library users can make changes if necessary
- the common case (run-time extension and manipulation) needs less code
(that is, you don't have to say "Mother, may I take advantage of the
features of the dynamic language I'm supposed to be?" to take advantage
of those features)
- the user of the library can choose specific optimizations when and
where he needs them

-- c

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