On Thu, 2004-02-12 at 05:52, Aaron Sherman wrote:

> Perhaps I'm slow, but I don't see the difference between a trait and a
> Java interface other than the fact that traits appear to be more of a
> run-time construct.

The easy answer is that interfaces completely suck while traits don't. 

Seriously though, Java interfaces add an alternate type system with an
alternate syntax for querying.  They also don't allow any sort of
reasonable code re-use.  Effectively, they're abstract
multiply-inheritable base classes with a different name because
"Multiple Inheritance Is Bad!"

On a conceptual level, the different syntax is the worst crime because
it reinforces the idea that the important question about an object is
"What is this object's position in a class hierarchy?", not "Does this
object have the same semantic meaning for these operations as I expect
it to have?"

Then again, I usually explain it in terms of "sucks", not "don't even
acknowledge the real problem".

-- c

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