On Wed, 2004-04-14 at 21:23, Gregor N. Purdy wrote:
> Lets try that again, since I think you parsed my email in a way I
> didn't intend (and its at least 50% my fault)

Hey! *I* have to step up for 50% of the blame now? Where's my lawyer!

> In my opinion, starting a script with "#!/usr/bin/perl6" should force
> the interpreter to treat it like Perl 6, and if it does anything else
> that's just ugly. 

I disagree, but it's a point of aesthetics that I'm willing to concede
as "ugly to some, perhaps many, perhaps most".

> I don't see any need to have a program start out as a potentially Perl 5
> program and then determine that it should really be thought of as Perl 6
> and switch personalities. That is, I don't see a need for this:
>   #!/usr/bin/perl
>   use 6;

I think you meant perl5 there... I will assume you did.

Ok, yes I see your point. Taking from what I said earlier:


should probably be sugar for:

use 5;

Which means that

use 6;

translates to:

use 5;
use 6;

Your (p6l) call as to if that should be an error or not. At the very
least, I bow to the wisdom of it being a warning (perhaps optional).

>   #!/usr/bin/perl6
>   ... # Perl 6 stuff here
>   use 5; # or, whatever
>   # Perl 5 stuff here
>   no 5; # or, whatever

Oh please, please, please no!

At the very least, force that to be lexically scoped as Larry suggested,
but I beg of you to not even go that far. Allowing parser re-definition
on the fly is one thing, but providing a handy tool that can be thrown
inline anywhere by people who don't yet "feel comfy" with Perl 6, that
does it all for you, is asking for a level of pain which I'd have to
consult a scorned woman on, cause I know it's gonna be at least a touch
worse than hell trying to maintain that code :-/

The problem is not the syntax, or even really the grammar, but the
semantics... Parrot lets you smooth out the semantics to a subroutine /
class / method / data access level, but to allow such free-form mixing
is gonna be ugly.

My personal feeling is that

        use 5;
        ... anything else ...
        use 6;

should be an error, and if you want to write your own support for "My5"
and "My6" which don't give an error, CP6?PAN6?'s doors will be wide

Aaron Sherman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Senior Systems Engineer and Toolsmith
"It's the sound of a satellite saying, 'get me down!'" -Shriekback

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