There was some talks about hash keys autoquoting and barewords.. later are gone and former is disambigued by forcing to write %hash{'key'} or %hashÂkey ( as opposite to %hash{key} which is now %hash{key()} ).. right?..
that's almost ok to me, if there's any hope that  will have a _standard_ way to type accross all the editors:) (btw, I also hope I would never happen to mantain a perl6 program written by Chineese programmer, who thinks that chineese identifiers are cool)..

but now I'm curious what you gonna do with => autoquoting behavior:

  shift => 'value'      is the same as
  shift() => 'value'    or
  'shift' => 'value'    in perl6?

or in this particular case consistancy doesn't matter? ,)

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