> So, I was wondering about a synonym, like:
>       uses Some::Module::That::Defines::A::Class $foo;

Well if the long name is the problem:

use Some::Module::That::Defines::A::Class as Foo;

my Foo $obj .= new;

# OR #

require Some::Module::That::Defines::A::Class;
import Some::Module::That::Defines::A::Class as Foo;

This seems to be more similar to what is done in other languages.  You still 
have to write the class name repeatedly - but it does cut the typing.  It 
does reduce the magic that is occuring behind the scenes (or at least 
redirects it to somewhere else).  I guess Foo would be a full fledged class 
which inherits from Some::Module::That::Defines::A::Class.   I doubt that it 
is optimal - but it does give a little bit of flexibility.

Paul Seamons

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