On Tue, Sep 14, 2004 at 08:30:45PM +0200, Juerd wrote:
: Aaron Sherman skribis 2004-09-14 14:02 (-0400):
: >     qr{(fo*) ({$1 ne 'foo'})}
: What is the second set of parens for? Will the following suffice?
:     rx/ (fo*) { $1 ne 'foo' } /

Bare closures are used only for their side effects in the current design.
It's vaguely possible that we could recognize a top level boolean operator
and do something different, but there are problems with that approach.

: And it is because of the lack of anchors that this won't work as
: expected?
:     rx/ <!before foo> fo* /

No, the "f" pretty well anchors the front of it in any case.  It's the
other end that is the problem.  Your solution disallows "fooo".
You'd have to say something like:

     rx/ <!before foo <!before o>> fo* /


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