This is just to clarify something from S13.

If I declare, for example

multi sub *infix:Â+Â (EvilNumber $lhs, EvilNumber $rhs) { ... }

Then if I run

my EvilNumber $a;
my EvilNumber $b;

my EvilNumber $c = $a + $b;

I get my code, but

$a += $b;

Will attempt the default behaviour for +=, which is liable not to work. However, if I alter my operator overload to be

multi sub *infix:Â+Â (EvilNumber $lhs, EvilNumber $rhs) is deep { ... }

I get *infix:Â+=Â defined as { $lhs = $lhs + $rhs; } for free. Is that right?

Also, would things blow up if I specified the return types for operator overloads, such as

multi sub *infix:Â+Â (EvilNumber $lhs, EvilNumber $rhs) returns EvilNumber is deep { ... }

Would that work, would it behave strangely and what would it do to the definition of infix:Â+=Â which would be based on it? Is it even necessary? Does it give me anything? And can I overload based on return types?



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