On Thu, 25 Nov 2004 13:45:51 -0800, Larry Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hmm, I would say that "" is short for qq//, not qq"". Quote characters
lose their identity when used with generalized quotes. (I realize this
is not always true with Perl 5, but that can be construed as a mistake.)
So ÂÂ is not really short for qwÂÂ unless you take the delimiters of the
latter construct as simple characters without any ÂÂ baggage, including
the need to have a <<>> workaround. So I'd rather say ÂÂ is short for qw//.

ah, I forget, how could I do qx'echo $VAR' in Perl6? something like qx:noparse 'echo $VAR' ?
(Note: I like thoose adverbs.. I could imagine that in Perl6 if you want to have something done in some_other_way, you just should insert :some_other_way adverb, and that is! perl will DWIM happily :)

This approach doesn't help the person who can't even *display* ÂÂ, but
that problem will be solved before the input problem is.  For instance,
PerlMonks has no problem displaying ÂÂ, but I haven't a clue how to type
it into my browser yet.

I notice that in Perl6 thoose funny  and  could be much more common than other paired brackets. And some people likes how they look, but nobody likes fact that there's no (and won't!) be a consistent way to type them in different applications, wether it's hard or easy.

But to swap ÂÂ with [] or {} could be real shock for major part of people..
We also have another ascii pair, < and > . maybe they could be better than  and  ?:) i'm not that farseeing, but isn't problem of distinguishing < as a bracket and < as an comparison operator no harder than distinguishing << as bracket and as part of heredoc?..

or maybe even we could see consistant to go after +<< +>> and alike, and make old < and > written as +< and +> (and then lt and gt suddenly could become ~< and ~> :)

But I certain, Larry already weighted exact that solution years ago..

P.S. If you have an urgent need to throw spoiled eggs at me, consider all above as very late or very early fools day joke.. or you could try, but i've never heard about ballistic transcontinental eggs.

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