On Tue, 30 Nov 2004 10:43:10 +0100, Juerd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Alexey Trofimenko skribis 2004-11-30 9:09 (+0300):
delimiters should have corresponding closing character, so it should be
something like

Please, stop seeing ` as a circumfix operator in this context. What you do is like saying that after . you expect a capital letter. It's a programming language, and the only definition useful is the language itself, disregarding other languages, like Perl 5 and English.

In current Perl, :: is also known as '. And that's not a quoting
character in that context. In an early Apocalypse, Larry said not to
make the same "mistake" again because it would be hard to syntax-colour.
But that doesn't quite count, as matching for editors will have to be
rewritten anyway to support things like "$foo{"bar"}".

I have several editors even on windows, and not even specially written for perl, which do color ' as :: correctly. Personally, I liked that syntax, it has some similarities to Ireland surnames:) $O'Hara{Scarlett}

but it puts big restrictions on what can be part of the name (actually, thoose which match to <ident> only), so $package'$varname won't work.
I meant only that your ` can't be replacement to   because latter allows MUCH more freedom in key names. Actually, only space has special meaning here.

so, could you be more explicit, what rules your syntax have?

$a`$b+$c`$d, is it equivalent of
$a[$b+$c][$d] or
$a[$b]+$c[$d] ?

and I think, polymorphic treating of ` as either {} or [] adds some overhead.. and unstability of your code. Especially in cases like $a`$b, when compiler just can't see in compiler time, what could be contained in $b - number or string.
only one variant of that syntax looks for me useful:


as replacement for

so ` works here exactly as Java(ECMA)Script .
no spaces allowed, no expressions, and it is always a HASH subscript.

doesn't lua have that prefix `Quoting behavior already? ( 'text' eq `text ) or it was some other language? If to mimic it, than
could be automatiaclly transformed into

Macro definition for it could be very simple, like
 macro postfix:Â`Â is parsed {<ident>} {return "'$0'"} or something like.


This is just making parens/curlies optional for more operators than

but :key'value' is the same as :key<<value>>.. distinction shown only on occasional spaces in ''.

$var.<key1><key2>[1].<key3> # yikes, but still better than <<>><<>>

Still hard to type. Simply put, repeated circumfix operators suck, regardless of whether they are <>, <<>>, "", '', [], {}.

hm, I thought something like this long time ago, when I come to perl and some other languages from pascal, where you could address a 3dimensional array with a[1,2,3] instead of a[1][2][3]; but there was no problem at all, it's a matter of habit. now I consider latter more readable and flexible.

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