On Wed, 2005-02-09 at 06:04, Rod Adams wrote:
> Larry Wall wrote:

> >Yes, you can certainly intermix them as long as you keep your
> >precedence straight with parentheses.  Though I suppose we could go
> >as far as to say that = is only scalar assignment, and you have to
> >use <== or ==> for list assignment.  That would be...interesting...to
> >say the least.  For instance, it would eliminate the guessing games
> >about whether the syntactic form of the left side indicates a list.
> >Doubtless there would be some downsides too...

> Issues that arise (my mind has yet to settle enough to label them 
> "downsides"):
> - List assignment is way too common to inflict a three char operator on, 
> especially one that really likes having \S around it. (But don't ask me 
> what else to use, not much is left available.) At least, it's way too 
> common for me.

Yeah, well I always thought []= made more sense anyway :)

DISCLAIMER: I've been off perl6-* for a bit, and might not have my
syntax right here. Sorry.

There are a few ways to short-cut that. First off, you could (either
in-core, or in a module) set this up:


This is legit syntax today AFAIK, but has no plausible meaning that I
can figure out. It's still 3 characters, but eliminates any whitespace

Ok, so the next method would be:


What does that do today? Is it legit? Again, 3 chars, but no

So hold on to your socks... what about:

        @x @y;

Hey, if you're going to Huffman the syntax... But stay with me. This is
simply a matter of verbing the @x, which would have the same effect as:


and we discussed what that would mean, above. This has some nice

        my @x 1, 2, 3; # Initialize @x with list of numbers
        my @x foo(); # enforce scalar context on foo() and store
        @x @y @z; # Chaining

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