Thomas Sandlaß wrote:

Rod Adams wrote:

It seems to me that there are several advantages to making a group of multi with the same short name a single object, of type MultiSub|MultiMethod, which internally holds references to the all the various routines that share that short name.

It doesn't have to be junctive because for a multi it's irrelevant
if it's a method or a sub. This distinction is used only at compile
time of the class closure. So I guess there is a

class Multi is Code {...}

in Perl 6.

I wasn't intending it to be junctive. I was just noting that you needed separate holders for subs and methods, since you shouldn't be able to stuff a method into a multi sub.

It would behave like a tied sub (or method), with a .dispatch method to decide which of the contained routines should be called this particular time. Manhattan would be the default. However, one can override the dispatch logic; implementing Luke's Patterns idea, for example.

I see. Something like

use MMD::Manhattan;
use MMD::Symmetric;
use MMD::Pattern;

I was thinking more along the lines of :

   use MMD::Pattern;

   our &func is MMD::Pattern;

   multi func (...) {...}
   multi func (... ...) {...}
   multi func (... ... ...) {...}

   multi func2 (...) {...}
   multi func2 (... ...) {...}
   multi func2 (... ... ...) {...}

Where &func would get Pattern MMD, and func2 would get Manhattan MMD.

-- Rod Adams

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