Perl 6 Summary for 2005-04-12 through 2005-04-19

    Sadly, a slip of the mouse cause me to delete a partially completed
    summary, so I am going to push ahead on the rewrite without a witty
    intro. Feel free to make one up for yourself involving stuffed animals,
    musicians, and dinner.

  Perl 6 Compilers
   Pugs 6.2.0
    Autrijus release Pugs 6.2.0 marking the first major milestone for Pugs.
    This includes most of the control flow primitives of Perl 6 and is a
    testament to the solid work that all of the "lambdacamels" have been
    putting in.

    <> and multi byte characters
    BÁRTHÁZI András was having trouble encoding and decoding multi byte
    characters in This led to a general discussion of how to escape
    such characters in URLs as well as when to call " chr ".

    <> -- discussion

    <> -- more discussion

   auto currying?
    Matthew D Swank wondered if he really needed an extra set of parens to
    simultaneously call a function generator and its generated function.
    Autrijus told him that yes he did as Perl 6 is not quite Haskell yet.


   case insensitive P5 regex
    BÁRTHÁZI András wanted to use the :i switch on P5 regexes. Autrijus
    implemented it, but Larry noticed that this introduced a flag ordering
    dependency. As a result the new way to supply flags to a perl 5 regex is
    " rx:P5<imsxg"/.../ >.


   Cookbook Ettiquette
    Marcus Adair wondered if there were rules of etiquette he should obey
    when writing examples for the Perl 6 Cookbook. In particular, should
    examples run and be only one file. Ovid suggested that one file was a
    good idea, but was open to contrary arguments.


   Austrian Parrot/Pugs Hackathon
    Thomas Klausner announced that on June 9-10 in Vienna Austria there
    would be a Hackathon featuring the collective might of Autrijus, Chip,
    Leo, and more. When that much brain power gets together only two things
    can happen: much hacking and much drinking.


   encoding illegal byte sequences in strings
    BÁRTHÁZI András wanted to know if he could encode an illegal byte
    sequence in a string. Much discussion ensued, but Larry promised that it
    would be possible.


    Yuval Kogman announced the release of two new modules to CPAN which
    provid Pugs smoke html.

    <> -- announcement

    <> -- smoke em if you got em

   quoting constructs
    Roie Marianer noticed that pugs was missing some quoting constructs and
    implemented them. This led to discussion of interoplation and corners
    cases. As usual Larry provided both answers and questions. Roie produced
    a patch which Autrijus applied.

    <> -- discussion

    <> -- useful pugs hacking pointer

    <> -- the patch

   Code Block as Argument
    Stevan Little found some bugs with passing a code block to a function in
    pugs. Warnock applies.


   Push, Pop, Shift, and Unshift on Infinite Lists
    Stevan Little has been playing with push, pop, shift, and unshift on
    infinite lists. He thinks he has found a bug, although maybe he just
    hasn't let it run long enough... Larry provided answers as to the
    correct semantics.

    <> -- shift unshift

    <> -- push pop

   'cd' issue in Makefile
    Jonathan Worthington noticed a Win32 issue in the Makefile. He can point
    to the offending line in the autogenerated makefile, but that is not
    where it should be fixed. Warnock applies.


   hyperoperator tests
    David Christensen provided a patch for hyperoperators. Unfortunately,
    character set transcodings ate his patch.


   shift oddity
    Stevan Little noticed that shift did not act like pop. Larry noted that
    the example were not semantically valid, but even so Pugs should not


   Pugs SEGV
    Aaron Sherman managed to make Pugs segfault. Autrijus thinks it might
    already be fixed.


   Dynamic Perl 2
    William Coleda provide the second of his patched to move Perl*PMC out of
    the core. Leo applied it.


   SVN revision in bug reports
    jreiks (Jens?) reported a difficult to reproduce bug. This caused Leo to
    pine for having the SVN revision in the bug report. Brent 'Dax'
    Royal-Gordon commented that this was a good idea. Jens Rieks offered to
    implement it.


   Win32 SDL
    Jerry Gay tried to get SDL working on Windows. There was some give and
    take, but in the end he got his wish.


    Andy Dougherty provided a patch making provide a link flag
    to ICU headers if provided. Jens Rieks applied it.


   svk and svn issues
    Roger Hale noticed a small problem with Robert Spier
    fixed it.


   nci.t failure under MinGW
    François Perrad fixed a MinGW test failure. Leo applied the patch.


   trailing space with ${LD_OUT}
    Andy Dougherty fixed an old bug with LD_OUT having trailing space. Leo
    applied the patch.


   Warnings cleaning
    Jerry Gay cleaned some warnings from the source tree. Leo applied most
    of the patch.


    Philip Taylor fixed a small Win32 path issue. Leo applied the patch.


   cmp op bug
    Leo found a bug in <cmp>_p_i_ic opcodes.


   SDL unitialized variable
    Nick Glencross provided a patch fixing an unitialized variable in SDL.
    Leo applied the patch.


   perlscalar morph bug
    Nicholas Clark found a bug in morph for PerlScalar. Leo verified that it
    wasd a bug, and Nick Glencross offered to fix it.


   infix method change
    Leo threatened to continue with his plan to simplify infix methods. No
    one objected...


   used before set warning?
    Nick Glencross wanted a warning for using unset variables in imcc. Leo
    pointed out that this was not as simple as one might like.


   remove temp files for Win32 make clean
    Jerry Gay provided a patch removing more files under make clean in
    Win32. Warnock applies.


   Fix typos
    Nick Glencross provided a patch which fixes some typos in docs.
    chromatic applied it with a few extra tweaks.


   Parrot Security
    BÁRTHÁZI András wondered about the general security mechanisms that
    Parrot would provided. Dan assured him that security would be a
    fundamental part of Parrot. He also provided a sketch of the security
    model which sparked some discussion.


    <> -- sketch

   debian arm failure
    Falls Huang reported a build failure on Debian-arm. Leo provided a
    pointer in the write direction.


   missing make target
    François Perrad notice that `make src/revision.c` couldn't handle
    .svn/entries. Jens Rieks fixed the problem.


   JIT generation help
    Adam Preble put out a call for some general advice on understanding
    Parrots JIT. Leo provided some general dvice.


   "Attibute not found" exception
    Cory Spencer provide a patch changing getattribute to throw a
    real_exception. Jens applied the patch with a few tweaks.


   stderr during 'bc' configure step
    Jerry Gay provided a patch to suppress stderr during 'bc' configure
    step. There was some debate on how to make this cross platform. I don't
    think there was a resolution.


   string.c segfault
    Nick Glencross provided a patch fixing a few segfaults in string.c. Jens
    applied it.


   MSWin32 ICU linkage
    Ron Blaschke added ICU to the linkage for Win32. Jens applied the patch.


   win32 readme updates
    Ron Blaschke updated the README.win32 document. chromatic applied the


    <> -- discussion before the patch

   big changes afoot
    Our pumpking Leo has some big changes underway and asked someone else to
    man the pumps for a little while. Jens volunteered to be someone.


   more registers make Dan's code less unhappy
    Dan has some very ugly generated code. It takes a LONG time to compile.
    Leo sped it up by giving Parrot more registers.


   .const weirdness
    Nick Glencross found some weirness with .const in IMCC. Warnock applies.


   PMC help
    Bloves was hoping to get a pointer on PMC writing. Leo provided a
    helpful pointer.


   "&&" in commands is not cross platform
    Jens noticed that "&&" in commands cause problems on some platforms.
    Michael G Schwern fixed it, and Jens applied the patch.


   MMD migration
    Leo continued his slow but steady migration to a more MMD like world.




    MMD 25 - multiply

   make config info available at runtime
    Leo wants to have useful config information available at runtime. Steven
    Philip Schubiger offered to try.


   remove old files
    Leo opened a ticket for removing some outdated files.


   Small spelling errors
    Steven Philip Schubiger provided a patch fixing some small spelling
    errors. He worried that perhaps he was needless picking nits. I don't
    think so, but Warnock applies.


   Win32 ICU error
    François Perrad fixed a small mistake in the naming of icudt.lib.
    chromatic applied the patch.


   Drunken Parrot
    Cory Spencer has succeed in making LISP run on Parrot and uncovered a
    few GC bugs in the process. Everyone was impressed.


   Python on Parrot
    Kevin Tew wondered what the state of pyrate was. Sam Ruby provided a
    general explanation.


   C => Parrot Compiler
    Philip Taylor posted a few questions about Parrot for help with Carrot,
    his C to Parrot Compiler. Leo and Chip provided a few answers.


  Perl 6 Language
   Yet Another Perl Conference, North America
    Gerard Lim announced YAPC::NA with much information and useful links.


   subscripts as objects
    Yuval Kogman through out the idea of using subscripts as objects. Larry
    worried that this would hurt speed a little too much.


   statement modifiers and scopes
    Paul Seamons posted some examples involving local scopes and statement
    modifiers. Larry decided that only curlies would delimit scopes, so as
    not to surprise too many people.


   whitespace in heredocs
    Juerd posted a question from the p6cookbook asking about spaces vs tabs.
    Larry took a guess as to the context and pointed to A2 for info.


   &nbsp; in \s, <?ws>, <>
    Juerd wondered what sort of character classes matched nonbreaking
    spaces. Larry replied that they did, but possulated a <bws> class for
    breaking whitespace.


   trim() and words()
    Marcus Adair wondered about " trim " and " words " and if they actually
    existed. It seems that trim will exist all though words might be spelled


   <[]> ugly and hard to type
    There was some complaining that character classes are difficult to type.
    This is considered a feature as character classes do not handle
    internaionalization well.


   comparing floats with fudge
    Marcus Adair wants an easy way to compare floats with a fudge factor.
    Larry seemed to feel that some DWIMery could be added to " ~~ ".


   $*CWD vs cwd() and chdir()
    Michael G Schwern wanted a simple tied variable interface to $*CWD. This
    is apparently a sensitive topic. Much discussion ensued of changing
    directory in bizarre circumstances. It looks like Michael's suggestions
    will not reach the core, although it looks like a fairly simple


   Junction precedence error
    Brad Bowman noticed an error in some examples involving junction
    precedence. Larry confirmed there error. Patrick R. Michaud fixed it.


   spelling mistake in A06
    Steven Philip Schubiger found a spelling error in A06. Patrick R.
    Michaud applied the patch.


   <[a-z]> to become <[a..z]>
    Larry decide that the range operator in character classes should change
    to " .. ". Much discussion ensued. I like it.


   tainted variables
    BÁRTHÁZI András wondered if he could mark variables as tainted. Luke
    Palmer showed him a way.


   temp variables that can be redeclared
    Aaron Sherman wants a way to redeclare variables without getting a
    warning. He suggested " temp ". Larry suggested " ok " to turn off a
    warning, but doesn't think Aaron's feature is really necessary. No
    official ruling yet (I think).


   hyper slices
    David Christensen wants to use hyper slices as a convenient way of
    dealing with multi dimensional data structures. Luke Palmer showed him


   Hyper operator corner case
    David Christensen wondered how hyperoperators would know what to pad
    with when one side is not long enough. The answer appears to be slightly
    ill defined magic. Especially where subtraction or division is concerned


   fine granularity sleeping/events
    Gaal Yahas wants to have an alarm function that takes a double (for
    systems with sub-second timing proises). He also wants a version that
    takes a callback (possibly called later). Warnock applies.


   junctions in subscripts
    David Christensen wants junctions in subscripts to autothread. Luke
    palmer commented that they might. I think they do...



   quote operators and interpolation
    Roie Marianer had a few questions about how interpolation and quote
    operators would work. Laryy and Juerd provided some answers. Larry's
    short version: "we pretend we're a top-down parser even if we aren't".



   junctions with adverbs
    David Christensen wants to use adverbs to supply exceptions to
    junctions. Luke Palmer told him it doesn't work that way.


   ++ evaluation order
    lam Fayland found an oddity in pugs evaluation order for " ++ ". Warnock


   statement modifiers for setting variable
    Dave Whipp wants to use statement modifiers to restrict the scope for
    variables in his print statements. Larry provided a different technique.


   tie hashes
    Ingo Blechschmidt wondered what syntax to use for tieing hashes. Larry
    began to muse alloud.


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    or enjoyable, please consider contributing to the Perl Foundation to
    help support the development of Perl. You might also like to send
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