On Wed, Apr 20, 2005 at 08:39:43PM +0200, Juerd wrote:
: The same thing goes for all those places where a variable is expected
: that begins with $, like foreach. You can't easily use an lvalue sub.
: The workaround is like your goto workaround:
:     for ${\thatsub()} (1..10) { ... }

Yes, and that's one reason we intentionally broke most of those forced
sigil syntaxes for Perl 6.  You can say push($foo,$bar) in Perl 6 too.

: Although admittedly, I only encountered this when playing with a
: non-readonly undef ;) (This is something I can recommend to anyone:
: redefining true, false and undef leads to very spectacular code, where
: anything's possible, and defined(undef) can be a true that stringifies
: as "false".)

Perl 6 culture might feebly try to discourage the redefinition of truth.


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